This for-credit Introduction to Corporate Communication certificate program provides core competencies for the field of corporate communication. A series of five courses will provide the foundation for effective communication in a corporate environment.
Today's business environment requires effective communication skills. There is a focus on developing both oral and written communication skills through the Effective Speech and Writing courses. An understanding of effective media communications is gained in Mass Media and Society. Uses of technology as a tool in communication is explored in Introduction to Business Information Systems. Finally, important aspects of corporate communications are the focus of the course in Organizational Communication.
This certificate provides an excellent foundation in communication skills for those interested in the field of corporate communication.
Course Offerings
CAS 100 A, B, or C: Effective Speech
- Principles of communication, implemented through presentation of speeches, with some attention to group discussion and message evaluation. (3 credits)
MIS 204: Introduction to Business Information Systems
- Introduction to the use of information systems in business organizations. (3 credits)
ENGL 015: Rhetoric and Composition
- Instruction and practice in writing expository prose that shows sensitivity to audience and purpose. (3 credits)
COMM 100: Mass Media and Society
- Mass communications in the United States: organization, role, content, and effects of newspapers, magazines, television, radio, books, and films. (3 credits)
CAS 352: Organizational Communication
- This course examines the function and structure of communication in both formal and informal situations. (3 credits)
Who Should Attend?
This comprehensive introductory level of study in the field of corporate communication is designed for those who seek to enter this career field. It is also applicable for those currently employed in the field without a formal credential. Those who hold a degree in another discipline may find that this certificate complements their educational background and provides a new dimension to their résumé.
Certificate Program Benefits
Certificate programs provide a flexible, convenient, short-term opportunity for professional development, self-enhancement, and earning a formal academic credential from Penn State. Certificate program courses can “step up,” or be applied to, academic degrees at Penn State.
Admission to Certificate Program
All courses are open to high school graduates and to those who have earned a GED. There are no prerequisite courses. No formal application to Penn State is required, but those interested in enrolling must complete a non-degree enrollment form.
Location and Delivery
Classes are held through instructor-led training via Zoom videoconferencing.
For more information or to register, contact Continuing Education at 717-749-4118.
Would you like more information? We can schedule additional classes if the interest is great enough.
For more information, contact Continuing Education at 717-749-4118 or